Monday, December 22, 2014

Down the Aisle with Bridezilla by Carli Palmer

Final Rating: 3/5 Stars
Pages: 288
Edition: Kindle
Time Read: 12.19.14 - 12.21.14

"In the golden land of Malibu the sun is hot, the ocean breeze is crisp, and the brides are deranged! Dealing with four demanding clients, Megan Waters thought her job as a wedding planner would involve romance and eternal bliss. Instead her profession has been causing drama, outrageousness, and has made Megan reach for the aspirin bottle in her top drawer more than once. Along with her business partner Sasha, Megan runs Happily Ever After – a company that helps brides create the most amazing weddings that their gold card toting selves could dream up and pay for. With a small but devoted staff Megan runs into contact with everything from poison ivy covered bridesmaids to exploding wedding cakes. At this rate Megan is going to need a tranquilizer shot…"

Down the Aisle with Bridezilla is a book that really shows how crazy and spoiled some of the richer brides can be.  It’s quirky and involves a lot of caffeine and showers throughout the story.  I just wish I could drink that many lattes a day and look like a size 6.

There are some things I really liked about this book, such as the detail given for the weddings and the fact that the majority of this story actually focuses on her job and not her awkward romance.  It was super enjoyable reading about these various weddings as they came and the problems and quick fixes that popped up.  Each bride had a unique twist, and while their personalities felt very over the top, it helped individualize them and worked well in this book. Each wedding was different and had its own share of difficulties and problems. The botanical theme will forever remain my favorite.

I also had a few problems with this book, the biggest one being the main character. Megan was just so wishy washy throughout the entire novel, it was hard for me to get a feel for what she really wanted. Food is my biggest example.  She complains about her weight, then eats chocolate muffins and buys multiple lattes and cappuccinos a day.  Girl, make up your mind.  She’s the same way with men: she finds a great guy, hears something off about him, and stops talking to him.  Completely. For weeks without even giving him a reason why.

It just felt like this novel was missing… something.  It was averagely written; it had a different plot but nothing that really drew me in. The romance is very light and is not the forefront of the plot.  I think the problem was that it lacked humor for me.  I find myself comparing this to Twitter Girl, a book I reviewed recently.  While this book won in the plot department with focusing on her job, it lacked the humor that drew me in to Twitter Girl.  It just felt a little bland to me.

Overall, it was an average read.  Nothing really took my interest but I didn’t force myself to finish it. It was semi enjoyable but I couldn’t brag about the experience. I’d recommend this to anyone who would be interested in a very light beach read.

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